Storms bring heavy rain and hail
Tuesday, 28 May 2002
Late season thunderstorms occurred at a number of
locations across the Hunter this afternoon. Freeman's Waterhole was
whitened by the quantity of hail that fell. The hail fell with heavy
showers and were only pea size. Around the suburbs of Tenambit, Raworth
and East Maitland, many drains over flowed with the heavy downpours of
rain and hail. This created road damage in some places. Muswellbrook and
parts of the Central Coasts were also hit by the heavy rain and hail.
The storms became very active around 2:30 pm
hitting very localised areas. Hail developed because the freezing level
was quiet low, even though the tops of the cumulonimbus clouds were not
high. Thunderstorms that occur at this time of year often have these
characteristics, so therefore small hailstones often accompany these
types of storms.