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    A warm and dry April
    Sunday, 1 May 2005

    April 2005 has ended as being the driest and warmest April since 1997. Rainfall totals across the Hunter Region were typically in the top 20% of all driest years with some stations in the Hunter recording almost nil rainfall. Temperatures were also significantly above average with daytime temperatures averaging approximately 2°C higher then the long term mean. Night time temperatures where typically 0.5°C to 1.5°C above the long term average.

    The average daytime temperatures were typically around 25.5°C in the Lower Hunter and around 26.5°C in the Upper Hunter. Rainfall totals varied from around 20 - 30mm in the Lower Hunter and 0 - 3mm in the Upper Hunter. Small pockets on the coastal fringe received freak falls during the month bringing there totals to near average or slightly above average. Nobbys Head, recorded a total of 130mm while Williamtown, which is approximately 15km from Nobbys, recorded only 31mm for the month.

    The dry and warm conditions for the month were caused by deep high pressure systems that rested over eastern New South Wales for prelonged periods. As a result, high barometric pressures were recorded across the region with light winds typically from a northerly direction. Williamtown recorded a barometric pressure of greater then 1030 hpa on at least four days during the month.

    The warmer then normal conditions through April followed a mild March. The average temperatures across the Hunter Region during March this year were the coolest since March 1994.


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