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    Much of the weather information and data on the Internet is provided basically for educational research purposes. It can be missing, corrupt, late or just plain wrong. Further, much of the information, like this website, is provided for no remuneration by interested people in their spare time, and absolutely no reliance should be placed on it for any commercial, professional, or important purpose.

    Like the data, the list of links, and the explanations, charts, information and news items that go with it, are provided on an "as is" basis, without warranty of any kind whatsoever. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of your use of Hunter Valley Weather. The entire risk as to the quality, performance, content, timeliness, and any other characteristic of this website is borne by you.

    You should also be aware that most providers of information on the Internet have their own particular disclaimers, and should not use their websites without taking reasonable steps to ascertain the conditions on which you do so. The disclaimer for the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, which is the government meteorological service for Australia, is here.

    Tuesday, 18 February 2025
    © 2025 Tim Grugeon